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About: HOW

We hear often about the exponential effect that social networking and Web 2.0 technologies have on our ability to communicate and learn.  Each person with a Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, or other online account has been handed a virtual megaphone that's louder than any bullhorn in history. In conjunction with the boom in networking capability, we've seen significant growth in available knowledge and research.  As this video points out, many of us would rather run from the onslaught of information than embrace it.  If we instead begin to digest the buffet of knowledge sources, we will come to enjoy a clearer picture of reality than we've ever been afforded.

Video #1: Information in terms of a photo's pixel count

Content on this blog will primarily focus on the fields of energy efficiency and power sector innovation.  From time to time, I will also be sharing industry updates from different sectors who are implementing energy efficiency technologies. In helping readers connect energy innovations with construction operations, I hope to provide a platform for discussing the intersection of tomorrow's power-related inventions and today's energy-related needs. The goal is for this blog to become a launchpad for exponential growth as we connect today's needs with tomorrow's ideas.